Friday, June 28

Happy Birthday (Cut It Up)

The new challenge at Cut It Up is critters.
I created a card using a gifted diecut, some old SU! stamps and Basic Grey papers.

Sharing my project with:
~AAA Birthday-birthday and cute
~Craft-Alnica-use a stamp
~Little Red Wagon-layer it up
~Krafty Chicks-all occasions
~Cupcake Inspirations-anything goes
~Pammie's Inky Pinkies-anything goes
~CRAFT-anything goes

Happy Crafting, 


Tracie said...

What a cute card. I love the die you used for the sweatshirt. Thanks for joining us at PIP Challenges.

AndrejaM said...

Hvala, ker z zelo lepo voščilnico sodeluješ pri CRAFT-alnici

ScrappyHorses said...

How fun is this! Wonderful dies and colors!

Alyson Mayo said...

Very cute - love the chevron background :)

Imke said...

You did a great job with our "Layers" theme @ Little Red Wagon this week. FUN card. Thanks for joining us and good look in the TOP 3 draw.


Maja said...

Zalo mi je všeč ozadje voščilnice, ki so ga izdelala s pomočjo štampiljke. Hvala, da sodeluješ v CRAFTalnici, kjer tokrat sodelujem kot gostja izziva.

Nora Noll said...

You had me at the Basic Grey paper. This is too CUTE!! Love the stamping on the sweatshirt. Thank you for playing with us this week at Cupcake Inspirations Challenge!!

DT Member
Cupcake Inspirations

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