Tuesday, October 16

Just For You

The 29th challenge has been posted at {PIN}spirational Challenges blog! Woohoo!
Here's the photo.
...and my card, using a digi from The Digi Garden
Just For You
~Cute Card Thursday-paper piecing
~Paperplay-simply cute
~Craftymess-anything goes
 ~Craft Us Crazy-children
~Sweet N Sassy-show appreciation
~2 Sisters-anything goes
~Bearly Mine-anything goes
Drop by the blog and see what cuties the other member created. Play along for a chance to win some Digi Garden images!!!
(¨`•.•´¨) Hugs
  `•.¸(¨`•.•´¨) from the
(¨`•.•´¨)¸.•´ Heart
 `•.¸.•´ ~DEANNE~
. . . psst, don't forget to check out my {PIN}spirational Challenge Blog !


Anonymous said...

WOW!! She is just precious!! :) Love the fabulous paper piecing on her dress and your layout is gorgeous!! HUGS

jimlynn said...

So sweet and cute. Love the paper piecing and those colors!!

mylittlecardstudio.blogspot.com said...

Cute! I love the sweet image and fab papers. Thank you for joining us at 2 sisters this week. Good luck. Hugs, Jill x

Angela said...

Super cute card. I like especially the layers and the colour mix.

Thank you for taking part in the Craftymess 'Anything Goes' with us.


Tricia said...

What a sweet little girl! Thanks for playing along with the SNS Digi Challenge!

Nannieflash said...

Beautiful card, love your design and your colour choice. Thanks for joining us at Bearlymine, good luck with the challenge. hugs Shirleyxx

Deb said...

Beautiful card, fabulous paper piecing!
Many thanks for joining in the
♥Cute Card Thursday Challenge♥
this week! Debxx

Print gift cards said...

Such a stunning card. So precious design. I like the colors you have chose and that image is so beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

Flowergirl said...

This is so adorable! Beautiful design x
Thanks for joining in with us at A Gem Of A Challenge x
Wendy x

~Jeri~ said...

Beautiful project!! Love the coloring and detail on your card! Love the inspiration you pulled from the photo.
Thanks for joining us at Craft Us Crazy - http://craftuscrazy.blogspot.com
Hope to see you joining us again soon!!

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