Sunday, February 11

Winter Park Bench

My Park Bench card can be found at Cricut Design Space

Sharing my project with:
~Four Seasons-Winter
~Girlz Creative Christmas-rope, ribbon, lace (I used rope -twine)
~Sunday Songs and Rhymes-song inspiration (settled snowbank, white, ice)

~Shopping Our Stash-Winter wonderland
~Paper Funday-option (no pattern paper)
~Krafty Chicks-Christmas
~Ally's Angels-anything goes
~SheepSki Designs-anything goes
~Crafty Addicts-anything goes

Happy Crafting, 


Karen Letchworth said...

This is darling, Deann. It looks so real and life-like. Thanks for sharing your wonderful art and creativity with us at The Four Seasons Challenge. We all enjoy your amazing cards.

crafty-stamper said...

Great Wintry/snowy scene and love the bench.Thank you for joining us at The Crafty Addicts.
Carol DT x

Leanne said...

Such a nice winter scene, the snow is perfect, thanks so much for playing our challenge at Krafty Chicks Challenge. Have a great day!

Leanne DT Member/KCC

Helen said...

Beautiful - love the texture of the snow.

Thanks for sharing it at the Krafty Chicks Challenge.

Helen x
Guest Chick

Lorie Hill said...

Lovely card. Thank you for joining the Sunday Songs and Rhymes challenge.

Granmargaret said...

Lovely card. Thank you for joining the challenge at Outlawz Sunday Songs and Rhymes. Hope to see you again.

Claudia's kaartjes said...

Your card is very lovely Thanks for joining us at Girlz Creative Christmas Challenge

Oh, wat een mooie kerstkaart. Heel tof. Leuk dat je meedoet met onze challen bij Girlz Creative Christmas.
Creatieve Groetjes Claudia

Vanaf heden geef ik workshops en verkoop ik mijn kaartjes via mijn FB groep
Mijn FB groep: Claudia's Kaartjes
You tube:Claudia's Kaartjes
Blog:Claudia's Kaartjes
Challenge blogs:
Girlz Creative Christmas 
Girlz makes Guyz Cards
Girlz creative crafts
Creative sketchy girls

Gail Hutchinson said...

Deanne, what a gorgeous card, so realistic. Thank you for sharing with us over here at Sheepski Designs and best of luck with your entry.

Gail DT for

Donna Walls said...

You are truly a Cricut Master, this is a lovely winter scene! Thanks for linking up at The Paper Funday Challenge and we look forward to seeing more of your lovely designs soon.
Donna xx
Paper Funday Challenge
Inspiration Station Challenge
Beautiful Blossoms Challenge

Ellibelle said...

A really wonderful winter scene, Deanne. Love it!
Thank you so much for sharing this month at my Crafty Wednesday challenge!
Ellibelle's Corner

Susan Renshaw said...

Love this Deanne!

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