Sunday, December 11

Merry Christmas with Mrs. Fox!

Sentiment no longer available

Sharing my project with:
~Peace On Earth-anything Christmas
~A Place to Start-option-Happy Holidays
~Paper Funday-option-Holiday
~As You Like It-anything Christmas
~Krafty Chicks-Christmas
~Beyond the Blue-Winter holidays
~Jingle Belles-Christmas card
~Crafty Catz-option-Christmas

Happy Crafting, 


Lee said...

Such a cute card! I love that fox! Thanks so much for joining us at Beyond the Blue!

Diane said...

Adorably cute cute winter fox dressed all cozy!!
Thank you for joining our challenge at Peace On Earth!
Diane POE Co-Owner
{Nellies Nest}
{Peace On Earth}
{Stencil Fun}

Lia said...

The fox is a lovely critter on your card!

Brenda said...

This is soooo cute! I love the earthy colors youʻve chosen for your little fox. Thanks so much for joining us this week at CRAFT Challenge!

StampNScrapJunkie said...

I am running a little late but wanted to pop in and thank you for joining us at Crafty Catz last week! Lovely card!

Zw@@n said...

oh my, what a cute card. I love it! Thank you for joining us at As You Like It. Happy holidays and till next year. xx Wilma

Chana Malkah said...

How adorable! I love the "gingerbread" colors! Nicely done!
Thanks for sharing at A Place to Start!

Chrissy said...

Gorgeous card Deanne, love the cute little fox..
Thank you so much for joining in with our challenge this fortnight at As You Like It..


Donna Walls said...

Adorable Mrs. Fox! Thanks for playing along at The Paper Funday Challenge!
Donna xx
The Paper Funday
The Inspiration Station
**starting 15 January - Beautiful Blossoms

Mandy said...

Deanne I love your little fox. Happy New Year!

Thank you very much for entering your lovely card into our challenge. Good luck with the prize draw.

Stay healthy, happy, keep crafting and Creating Joy :)

Mandy ♥
DT for The Paper Funday Challenges
Made By Mandy – My personal Blog

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