Thursday, January 2

Mardi Gras Card

The new challenge is posted at COLORFUL OPTIONS. (yellow, purple, green)

I know Mardi Gras isn't yet for a couple of months, but the colors screamed Mardi Gras, so I went with it!!

My Mardi Gras card can be found at Cricut Design Space.

Sharing my project with:
~Night Owls-party atmosphere
~~TOP 3~~
~Creative Knockouts-celebrations
~Girlz Rebel-anything goes
~Love To Scrap-anything goes
~We Love 2 Create-anything goes
~Dream Valley-anything goes
~Paper Minutes-anything goes

Happy Crafting, 


Flo said...

Liebe Deanne,
Danke für Deine fröhlich-bunte Partykarte, die Du bei uns Nachteulen zeigst. Ich mag die Farben sehr, sie heitern uns auf.
LG Flo

Claudia's kaartjes said...

Wat een kei leuke kaart, kei tof. Leuk dat je meedoet met onze challenge bij Girlz Rebel Challenge
Superrrrrr, really wonderful creation. Thanks for joining us at Girlz Rebel Challenge
Crea lieve groetjes Claudia

Mijn FB pagina: Claudia's Kaartjes and more
Blog:Claudia's Kaartjes
Challenge blogs:
Girlz Creative Christmas 
Girlz makes Guyz Cards
Girlz creative crafts
Creative sketchy girls
Girlz Rebel Challenge
Girlz Creative Fun Art of Scrap

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