Saturday, December 21

We Wish You a Merry Christmas

There's a new digi set at BECCY'S PLACE called Christmas Puddings.

I added some white accents to the leaves and berries. I also added Glossy Accent to the berries. There is some gold glitter added to the bow around the pudding.

Sharing my project with:
~Creatalicious-Christmas and New Year
~Creative Crafting Uncles-Christmas and New Year
~Creative Crafters-option (sparkle, shine)
~Farm Quest Grocery Game-m (mincemeat Christmas pudding)
~~TOP 3~~
~4 Season Challenge-sweet Christmas
~My Time to Craft Christmas-Christmas sweet treats
~Craft-Alnica-Christmas/New Year
~Crafty Gals Corner-make it merry
~Passion for Markers-markers (Copics) and anything goes

Happy Crafting, 


Card Creator said...

Such a fun holiday card! Thank you so much for sharing this with us at The Creative Crafters

Becca S said...

Yummy and festive!!! Glam touches too! Terrific food-themed Christmas card! Thanks x 3 for sharing at FQGGCB, FQHSKCB and MTTCC! -- Becca

Linda Mc Enery said...

Oooh, that does look like a delicious treat for Christmas. Beautiful card.Thanks for sharing this with us at Passion for Markers! Good luck!

Andreja said...

Čudovita praznična voščilnica :-))
Vesela sem, da ustvarjaš z nami na izzivu v CRAFT-alnici ❤️
Hkrati ti želim srečno, zdravo, veselo in ustvarjalno leto 2025!

Goga said...

Čudovito praznično ustvarjanje. Hvala za družbo v Craft-alnici.
Srečno in zdravo 2025!

Daniëlle - voorjougedaan said...

What a yummy and sweet festive card! Thank you for participating in our 4 seasons challenge, kind regards and all the best for 2024! Grtz Danielle

Colien said...

Oh, such a delicious Christmas pudding, looks yummy! Thanks for joining our challenge again on the 4 Season blog.
grtz Colien

Wendy Jackson said...

Such a fun Christmas card and lovely colouring …the pudding looks delicious

Thanks so much for joining us on the Passion for markers Mega Christmas challenge ….

Love and crafty hugs from

Wendy (DT)

Rae Ann said...

Great glitz and glam on this card! The plaid paper is perfect!

Thank you for joining us at Crafty Gals Corner for our Anything Goes with a twist to Make it Merry challenge.

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